Truth is Still Truth, Regardless of the Theory-Mongers (LONG)

Here are some questions to ask them

Much ado is made about the Big Bang Theory by the cosmologists and astronomers. However, a book entitled, “The Big Bang Never Happened” by Eric Lerner, has them all up in arms. They, the theory-mongers, have basically crucified Lerner. While I have never read the book, or even heard of it, for that matter, my sympathies tend to lie with Lerner.

I mean, think about it for a minute. Common sense would tell any thinking person that the universe simply couldn’t form from a single point as small as the head of a pin exploding, no matter how much energy is supposed to be trapped within it—whatever that IT was.

For instance, where was that single point of cooped up energy before it exploded if there were not already an established universe to put it in? It had to be somewhere. Right? Yet, I’ve never read or heard of an astronomer or cosmologist even address that question, let alone come up with a sensible explanation for it.

And how did all this energy that was to one day create the known universe get all bottled up into a single point to begin with? And why a single point? Why not everywhere at once? If all this energy could gather together into a single point all by itself, it could certainly gather and be everywhere at once. Both ideas would operate upon the same quantum physics principles, whatever they might be. But what caused this seemingly infinite amount of energy to mass together into one teeny tiny point in the first place? And how could a point even exist if there were no universe?


And here are two more unanswered questions: 1) How could all this supposed infinite amount of energy gather together to begin with, without some external force cramming it together into this one single point? 2) And what lit its “fire” for it to suddenly explode out of nowhere? Just pressure? I would think that one star’s worth of pressure could have caused it to explode if it were to explode at all, let alone our entire known universe being present in that point.

Next, we might consider how all this pure energy turned into stars and organized galaxies, each having organized solar systems, with areas where stars are supposedly continually forming seemingly out of nothing? Just cooling would not explain it. Anyway, stars aren’t all that cool, at least from what I have read and heard. They still seem to be pretty hot, if you ask me.

Consider this: Organization does not come from chaos. Stars don’t form all by themselves from a mass of energy just “floating” around space. And stars didn’t come bursting out of the Big Bang hole in space, or wherever was left after this cosmic explosion. There has to be some form of attraction or gravity to bring everything together to form stars, planets, or whatever else there is supposed to be in the universe. The Big Bang THEORY does not explain where gravity came from, or even what it is, for that matter. Gravity would not be inherent in a universe full of free-floating energy. There would be nothing for it to cling to.

Chaos will always remain chaos unless acted upon by some outer force. And what sensible person, let alone astronomers and cosmologists who are supposed to be smart, can deny that the universe, as we know it, is organized?

These are just a few of the unanswered questions that astronomers and cosmologists don’t have any answers for. So they just cling to this THEORY, continually evolving new unexplained ideas, like dark matter and dark energy, to fill up the voids of their THEORY. So, the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper without any seeming end.

And, of course, the Big Bang THEORY is taught as if it were a FACT, kind of like the THEORY of evolution. Both are Godless attempts to explain ideas they have no actual clues to. So, they just make stuff up, based on their observations of current things and apply it all to their THEORIES. And, if what they turn up goes against their THEORIES, they just ignore them. Can’t have anything upset their apple carts, now can we?

And the kicker is: If anyone calls into question either of these two THEORIES, they are put to the coals and crucified on top of that. Many have lost and their credibility and even their jobs at universities and colleges for disagreeing with these THEORIES. Kind of like what the LEFT is doing to “TRUTH” these days. “Disagree with our TRUTHS and we’ll ban your free speech like it was yesterday’s morning dew. No more Facebook; no more YouTube; no more twitter; no more Instagram.” Et cetera.

Take God out of the creation, and you get senseless stuff like this.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 9: Communication 101

Embed from Getty Images

Number One Element

We all know what it means to communicate. Right? Or do we?

Judging by the large number of books that have been written on the subject, I’d venture to say that a great many of us don’t know as much about communication as we think we do. And judging by the vast number of divorces, my three included, a great many of us come up short in the communication department, wouldn’t you agree?

Yet, communication, in my view, is the most important element of a successful marriage, bar none! But it does take two.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 8: Date Night

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The Importance of Dating

Remember when you were dating your wife before she was your wife? You wanted to be with her all the time?

Dating was fun. It got you away from the ordinary affairs of life, such as working, driving back and forth to and from work, watching television, and sleeping . . . yes, sleeping.

I remember talking into the late hours of the night when I was dating. I wanted to be with my girlfriend all the time. Then, when we actually were together all the time (i.e., got married), we stopped dating. And much of the fun went out of our marriage. In retrospect, I have to take the majority of the blame for that, if not all of it.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 7: More Do, Less Talk

Photo courtesy of taliesin at Was lightened slightly.

Doing Is Better Than Talking

Do something every day to show you love your wife. Talk is nice (and cheap), but doing is even better. After all, actions really do speak louder than words, especially in the area of romance.

For instance, you might offer to help her with the dishes, providing she hasn’t already hoodwinked you, . . . er, convinced you it would be in your best interest, . . . er, asked you to help her. Or you might ask if there’s anything she would like you to work on.

Of course, the downside of this is: If she tells you something you could do, then you’d better do it . . . with cheerfulness. No eye-rolling, whining, wheedling, nor any other self-serving mechanism to avoid an unpleasant task. If you don’t sincerely want to help, don’t ask.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 6: Respect! Respect! Respect!

I don't know who owns this, so if there's a problem, please contact me and we'll discuss it.

I don’t know who owns this, so if there’s a problem, please contact me and we’ll discuss it.

Respect! Respect! Respect!

One of the most important things you can do in your marriage is to respect your partner. Without respect, you have no relationship. Well, you may have a relationship, but it won’t be a happy one.

Respect is a complicated subject, so we’ll start simple. What does it mean to respect?

Turning to, my usual source for simple definitions, we find:

verb (used with object)
9. to hold in esteem or honor: I cannot respect a cheat.
10. to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone’s rights.
11. to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect a person’s privacy.

What does it mean, to hold someone in esteem or honor?

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 5: Ditch the Procrastination

Originally I had written another subject for part 5 but wasn’t totally pleased with what I had written. Consequently, I had never gotten around to finishing it. In short, I procrastinated. I’ve even procrastinated this version!

While procrastination is something one can get by with while writing, at least to a point, it is not something one wants to do in a marital relationship.

Procrastination in a relationship is bad for a number of reasons. Here are a few.

Procrastination lessens the trust your spouse will have for you


New Blog: Barns! Barns! Barns!

I’ve started a new photographic blog and you’re all invited to join in for the fun. This blog is about preserving a way of life that is fast becoming extinct: the family farm.

I’ve just posted my first posting and invite you all to participate. You may find my new blog at:

I hope to see you there. I’d love this to be a repository for all things old with respect to family farming, not just buildings.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 4: Be Spontaneous

"I love spontaneity. Like the let's-go-jump-in-the-lake-with-all-our-clothes-on kind of spontaneous. Sometimes you just need to let go." —Lauren and Shane

“I love spontaneity. Like the let’s-go-jump-in-the-lake-with-all-our-clothes-on kind of spontaneous. Sometimes you just need to let go.” —Lauren and Shane

Special thanks to Lauren and Shane for permissions to use their photograph.

Be Spontaneous

This wasn’t initially one of my ten things I’ve learned from three failed marriages because, frankly, it’s a subject I’m not very conversant with, other than intellectually. However, a friend suggested it to me and I agree that this would be a very good thing to have in one’s marriage, even though I have never experienced it to any great degree.

Looking back, I think one of the problems facing married couples, at least in my own marriages, is boredom. This most often translates into watching an inordinate amount of television or immersing oneself in projects that only involve self.

What this is saying is, for instance, “I (we) would rather watch mindless entertainment on television, including sports, than communicate with you (each other). It is more important to me (us) to watch television than it is to enjoy your (each others’) company. I (we) find more enjoyment in being mind-numbed in front of the boob tube than I (we) would, say, playing a game with you (each other) or going out to dinner.” And so forth.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 3: Saying I Love You

I Love You Hearts

Saying I Love You

Perhaps the modern-day woman is different than in days past, but I think that most wives never tire of being told, “I love you,” as long as it’s being said with feeling and sincerity. Combine that with an equally sincere hug is even better.

At least once a day. Minimum.

Sincerity goes a long way with women. A casual peck on the cheek and a “Love you” as you go out the door doesn’t hold a lot of weight with most women, I would think. Perhaps some, particularly men, might say, “Well, it’s better than nothing.”

Not necessarily so.

10 Things I’ve Learned from Three Failed Marriages, Part 2: Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.

Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.

©2012 Cris Coleman All Rights Reserved

©2012 Cris Coleman All Rights Reserved

A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart.  —Anonymous

Never underestimate the power of a sincere and well-timed hug, especially when one is 1) not supposedly deserving of it; 2) when one is stressed out; and 3) just any old time.

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